
Are you an MBA aspirant?

Create unique and high-impact CV points for your MBA interviews

Make yourself irresistible in interviews by building a body of work that displays expertise and leadership in your area of interest in 12-weeks or less

Weekly LIVE sessions for 3 months

Complimentary recorded courses

100% CV-point guarantee*

Our mentors have been seen on:

Career Launcher

I understand what concerns you the most right now...

How to not mess up your MBA interviews due to things you could have controlled!

When a B-school calls you for the interviews, they truly want to know you more. You have successfully moved ahead from the entire crowd at the entrance exam stage. Now, its your time to shine.

However, with your year-long efforts of cracking the MBA entrance exams like CAT, XAT, IIFT, NMAT and SNAP - you can not let it go waste.

  • You cannot make the mistake of coming across as someone who is clueless about why you want to pursue MBA
  • You cannot waste the coveted interview opportunity by not having enough to talk about yourself, about your hobbies, interests and co-curriculars 
  • You can save yourself the embarrassment of walking out of the interview after having made a mess of the questions that were about your domain of study or work experience

You can give your next IIM/MBA interview a new life by building your profile in a unique and impactful manner with as little as 1 hour of work each day.

Understanding what is a high-impact CV point for MBAs

Here's what makes a CV point truly great

Any CV point that you will ever earn signals these 3 things to your interviewer - be it in the B-school admission interviews or MBA placement interviews 


Are you someone who takes initiatives? And how big are those initiatives


What are the things that you did to carry out that work? The process reveals a lot of your learnings


What did the entire project result in? What were the numerical and learning outcomes for you

What are the options that you have and how do they stand in terms of this IPA framework?

  • Upskilling courses: These are so common that they hardly show any 'initiative' on your part. Also, there is nothing unique about the 'process' and also have no tangible 'achievements' - leaving you with nothing to talk about in the interview.
  • Internships and live projects: Finding an internship definitely demonstrates great 'initiative' from your end. However, due to how mundane most internships are the 'process' isn't something you can glorify. This obviously means little to no 'achievements' that you can show.
  • Experiences from your job: Even though you might be having a lot to talk about the 'process' you followed for various projects, discussing the 'achievements' could be a challenge. Interviewers know most numbers you put in your CV are glorified and even if they aren't, they are usually not directly attributable to your individual work.

You know for a fact that in all the three options - you aren't able to express your skills and your personality in the best possible way. 

There's more to your candidature and to your personality, and you need to find a way show them as CV pointers.

Here's where the MBA Profile Booster System solves your CV pointer and profile building problems

Here's what is the MBA Profile Booster System

The Ultimate System to create CV points that differentiates you from the crowd

Create 'show, don't talk' type of body of work that helps you position as a serious enthusiast of the field of Marketing, Finance, Operations, Consulting or whichever domain you aim for

Module 1

Identify your target domain and skills

The first step is to know and understand why you are planning to pursue MBA and what is the goal that you have from it.

You'll learn:

  • How to decide which target job role or domain to aim for in your MBA placements
  • How to focus on the short-term results (i.e. MBA placements) and gradually develop yourself into an expert in the same field that you choose
  • Finding which hard-skills and soft-skills you need to learn based on the target job role/career that you would have selected. This is called Back-hacking the placements

Module 2

Setup your personal brand elements

Once you have decided the domain/job role you want to be in, you need your online real-estate where you will build your personal brand.

You'll learn:

  • How to setup your blog/website from scratch under your own domain name
  • Setup and/or optimize your LinkedIn profile to attract make it relevant to your desired MBA goal
  • Setup and/or optimize your YouTube channel where you can share your knowledge as you keep on learning

Module 3

Develop a content creation plan

Your biggest asset in any MBA interview will be your body of work. The most effective way to build a body of work that speaks on your behalf is - Content creation. Creating content, either textual or visual, also helps you learn better.

You'll learn:

  • How to plan out which topics you will write blog posts on 
  • How to reuse one blog post into various LinkedIn posts, Twitter threads and YouTube scripts
  • What should a weekly content calendar look like for you to build your brand in any topic

Module 4

Build authority on Google search engine

The true influencers are on the page 1 of the Google search page and not on social media. With page 1 rankings, not only you develop influence but also develop authority in the field. Now, while that might seem out of reach for you, it is easy to get this coveted CV point.

You will learn:

  • How to do keyword research for the blog content that you create
  • How to write not only reader-friendly content but also content that is great in SEO
  • Ways to ensure that you article's rankings are maintained and each new article ranks well

Module 5

Get your first consulting/freelancing client

The truest validation of your skills is when you can get paid for it. Also, how much you have earned from your skills and knowledge is also the best CV point you can have in your resume.

You'll learn:

  • How to build your presence as a freelancer/consultant on top freelancing websites
  • How to create an service package that you will offer to your prospects
  • How to get your first consulting client through websites and/or cold outreach

Module 6

Earn your first $1,000 in consulting

It never hurts to keep earning money from the skills and the knowledge that you have developed. Increase your potential as an MBA student and offer more services to your clients - leading to more CV points and improved sales and communication skills.

You'll learn:

  • How to pitch high-ticket offers to clients around the world
  • How to offer allied services to clients which only bright MBA students like you can
  • How to ensure that clients retain you month on month so that it can be the best CV point ever

*But wait, there's more...

What is the '100% CV point guarantee'?

The objective of the program is to help you use your knowledge and skills to get you the best possible CV points.

While the program is perfectly designed and tested over MBA aspirants and students to deliver results - should you want to get some CV points faster, we will help you find a way.

Get on board any of our brands i.e. Creadom, Super Heuristics or LearnMarketing.ai, apply your skills on our properties as your experiments lab and gets results from it. 

Get in touch with us

Send us and email with your wish to contribute to any of our brands

Contribute in our operations

We have a lot of projects going on and can definitely gainfully give you a project to show your skills in

Perform and earn a CV point

Currently we offer projects only in marketing and digital marketing. Successfully complete your project and be proud of your skills

This is the MBA Profile Booster System

Join the next cohort now and get started

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MBA Profile booster system


Weekly LIVE sessions for 3-months
Recorded self-paced courses
100% CV point guarantee*
Creadom Telegram group access
One-on-One call with Darpan (IIMU)

I have learned a lot and I am looking forward to learn more and more with Darpan Sir. In short an excellent approach and a enriching experience.

Sushant Agarwal

MBA, IMT Ghaziabad

7-Day Money Back Guarantee

You should enroll for this right now absolutely carefree. That's because, if you are still in second-thoughts after enrolling for the program, your money will be fully refunded, no questions asked. Just get in touch with us in the next 7-days. 

Here's what our students say about us

Our ever-growing community of MBA aspirants, students and graduates have built their careers using the Creadom philosophy. Read the feedback of some of our students.

Sadhna Sharma

Sadhna Sharma

MBA, IIM Ahmedabad

"You made marketing extremely interesting as a CA and finance professional. Also, I learned the skills and personal branding I need for a fulfilling career"


Varun Chaturvedi

MBA, SDA Bocconi

"There is no other course available that is as concise, precise, and relevant as this one for MBA students"

Darpan Saxena

About Your guide

Darpan Saxena

MBA, Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Udaipur
Ex-MBA Product Head, Career Launcher
Founder, Creadom

Darpan is on a mission to help 100,000 MBA students create the best career outcomes without depending on college placements. His vision is that each college student can be a valuable personal brand working with multiple best brands in an open market that truly values the skills  without keeping anyone underpaid.

Not just a profile booster, but a

Growth Engine designed for MBAs

The MBA Profile Booster System is the ultimate system to crush the competition not just in your MBA admission interviews but all through your MBA journey

Position yourself to get the...

Best B-school admission

Best campus placement

Best off-campus placement

Best clients for freelancing

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